Original Research Article
Article volume = 2022 and issue = 1
Pages: 37–54
Article publication Date: November 21, 2022
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Multi-Super-Stability of Ternary Antiderivation in Ternary Banach Algebras
Safoura Rezaei Aderyani and Reza Saadati
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
In this study, we introduce the notion of ternary antiderivation on ternary Banach algebras and investigate the multi-super-stability of ternary antiderivation in ternary Banach algebras, associated with functional inequalities.
Hyers-Ulam stability, multi-super-stability, fixed point method, ternary antiderivation, ternary Banach algebra, additive functional inequality.
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Cite this article as:
- Safoura Rezaei Aderyani and Reza Saadati, Multi-Super-Stability of Ternary Antiderivation in Ternary Banach Algebras, Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science, 2022(1), PP.37–54, 2022
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