Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled Multi-Super-Stability of Ternary Antiderivation in Ternary Banach Algebras.
title = {Multi-Super-Stability of Ternary Antiderivation in Ternary Banach Algebras},
journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},
volume = {2022},
issue = {1},
issn = { 2783-5456 },
year = {2022},
url = { 1/1-7-Multi-Super-StabilityofTernaryAntiderivationinTernaryBanachAlgebras.pdf},
author = {Safoura Rezaei Aderyani and Reza Saadati},
keywords = {Hyers-Ulam stability, multi-super-stability, fixed point method, ternary antiderivation, ternary Banach algebra, additive functional inequality.},
abstract = {In this study, we introduce the notion of ternary antiderivation on ternary Banach algebras and investigate the multi-super-stability of ternary antiderivation in ternary Banach algebras, associated with functional inequalities.}