Original Research Article
Article volume = 2021 and issue = 1
Pages: 12–16
Article publication Date: February 19, 2021
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Computing Edge Version of Eccentric Connectivity Index Of Nanostar Dendrimers
Ali Nejati
Department of Mathematics, professor Hesabi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tafresh, Iran.
Let G be a molecular graph, the edge version of eccentric connectivity index of G are defined as _c e(G) =P f2E(G) deg(f)ecc(f) where deg(f) denotes the degree of an edge f and ecc(f) is the largest distance between f and any other edge g of G , namely, eccentricity of f . In this paper exact formulas for the edge version of eccentric connectivity index of nanostar dendrimers NS5[n] was computed.
edge eccentric connectivity index, nanostar dendrimers, topological index.
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Cite this article as:
- Ali Nejati, Computing Edge Version of Eccentric Connectivity Index Of Nanostar Dendrimers, Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science, 2021(1), PP.12–16, 2021
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