Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled Computing Edge Version of Eccentric Connectivity Index Of Nanostar Dendrimers.



title = {Computing Edge Version of Eccentric Connectivity Index Of Nanostar Dendrimers},

journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},

volume = {2021},

issue = {1},

issn = { 2783-5456 },

year = {2021},

url = { 1/1-3-computing_edge_version_of_eccentric_connectivity_index_of_nanostar_dendrimers-1635256215.pdf},

author = {Ali Nejati},

keywords = {edge eccentric connectivity index, nanostar dendrimers, topological index.},

abstract = {Let G be a molecular graph, the edge version of eccentric connectivity index of G are defined as _c e(G) =P f2E(G) deg(f)ecc(f) where deg(f) denotes the degree of an edge f and ecc(f) is the largest distance between f and any other edge g of G , namely, eccentricity of f . In this paper exact formulas for the edge version of eccentric connectivity index of nanostar dendrimers NS5[n] was computed.}
