Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled On first closed neighborhood Zagreb index of graph.



title = {On first closed neighborhood Zagreb index of graph},

journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},

volume = {2024},

issue = {2},

issn = { 2783-5456 },

year = {2025},

url = { 2/2-10-OnfirstclosedneighborhoodZagrebindexofgraph.pdf},

author = {B. Basavanagoud and Chetana S. Gali and and B. Bhuvana},

keywords = {First closed neighborhood Zagreb index, Nanostructures, Subdivision graph, Line graph.},

abstract = {Topological indices are widely employed in the determination of the correlation between the physico-chemical properties of nanostructures. The development of novel nanostructures has important implications for the food science, electronics, pharmaceutical, medical, communication, and information sectors among others. In this paper, we introduce a new topological index called the first closed neighborhood Zagreb index and it exhibits good correlation with acentric factor of an octane isomers. We compute the formula for first closed neighborhood Zagreb index for some standard classes of graphs and investigate their mathematical properties. Further, we derive the expression for first closed neighborhood Zagreb index of $TUC_4C_8 (R) [p, q]$ nanostructures as well as subdivision graph and the line graph of the subdivision graph of $TUC_4C_8 (R) [p, q]$ nanostructures.}
