Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled Computing Revan Polynomials and Revan Indices of Copper (I) Oxide and Copper (II) Oxide.



title = {Computing Revan Polynomials and Revan Indices of Copper (I) Oxide and Copper (II) Oxide},

journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},

volume = {2021},

issue = {1},

issn = { 2783-5456 },

year = {2021},

url = { 1/1-8-computing_revan_polynomials_and_revan_indices_of_copper_i_oxide_and_copper_ii_oxide-1637928248.pdf},

author = {Massoud Ghods and Jaber Ramezani Tousi},

keywords = {Molecular graph, Revan Polynomials, Revan indices, Copper oxide.},

abstract = {The topological index shows some of the properties of the molecule. One of the practical tools for computing topological indices is to use polynomials of that index. Therefore, from a computational and mathematical point of view, determining polynomials of topological indices is very important. In this article, first, Revan polynomials are computed for molecular graph of copper (I) oxide Cu2O(m, n) and copper (II) oxide CuO(m, n). Then, using Revan polynomials, Revan indices are obtained. To compare the obtained values, the diagrams are drawn.}
