Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled Sombor and Second Zagreb Indices of Total Generalized SIERPIŃSKI Gasket Graph.
title = {Sombor and Second Zagreb Indices of Total Generalized SIERPIŃSKI Gasket Graph},
journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},
volume = {2024},
issue = {1},
issn = { 2783-5456 },
year = {2023},
url = { 1/1-3-SomborandSecondZagrebs.pdf},
author = {Fatemeh Attarzadeh and Ali Behtoei},
keywords = {Total Generalized Sierpiński Gasket graph, Sombor index and Zagreb index},
abstract = {Sierpiński fractals and Sierpiński gasket graphs have many applications in diverse areas like dynamical systems, chemistry and problem. In this paper, we study and determine the Sombor index and second Zagreb index for the total generalized Sierpiński gasket of paths, Cycles, and Complete Graphs.}