Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled On a Class of Symplectic Graphs and Their Automorphisms.
title = {On a Class of Symplectic Graphs and Their Automorphisms},
journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},
volume = {2023},
issue = {2},
issn = { 2783-5456 },
year = {2023},
url = { 2/2-4-SymplecticGraphsTheirAutomorphisms.pdf},
author = {Bahman Askari and Fataneh Karimi},
keywords = {Automorphism; Symplectic Graph; Symplectic Group; Generalized Symplectic Graph.},
abstract = {It easy to see that each graph is a modification of a reduced graph Γ of the same rank. It is proved that for every reduced graph with binary rank 2r, there is a unique maximal graph with binary rank 2r which conatins Γ as an induced subgraph. These maximal graphs are called symplectic graphs. In this paper, we study the symplectic graphs which are defined over a ring. We also find the automorphism group of symplectic graphs which are defined over Zpn, where p is a prime number and n is positive integer.}