Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled A Note on the Harmonic and Gutman Index of Coprime Graph of the Group of Integers Modulo Prime Power.



title = {A Note on the Harmonic and Gutman Index of Coprime Graph of the Group of Integers Modulo Prime Power},

journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},

volume = {2023},

issue = {1},

issn = { 2783-5456 },

year = {2023},

url = { 1/1-11-ANoteontheHarmonicandGutmanIndexofCoprimeGraphoftheGroupofIntegersModuloPrimePower.pdf},

author = {John Rafael M. Antalan},

keywords = {Harmonic index, Gutman Index, Coprime Graph, Group of integers modulo n.},

abstract = {In a recent paper by M.N. Husni and his colleagues, they were able to determine the harmonic and Gutman index of the coprime graph of the group of integers modulo prime power. In this research note, we give a short proof of their results using some well-known results on the harmonic and Gutman index of a graph. Moreover, we give a general version of their result using a well-known result on group isomorphism in group theory.}
