Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled The Generalizes of G**-Autonilpotent Groups.
title = {The Generalizes of G**-Autonilpotent Groups},
journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},
volume = {2022},
issue = {2},
issn = { 2783-5456 },
year = {2022},
url = { 2/2-12-TheGeneralizesofGAutonilpotentGroups.pdf},
author = {Sara Barin and Mohammad Mehdi Nasrabadi},
keywords = {IA-group, n-IA-commutator series, autonilpotent groups, G**-autonilpotent groups, n-IA-nilpotent groups.},
abstract = {We introduced a series on the subgroups generated by a group G and IA(G) and defined G**-autonilpotency on this series [2]. In this paper, we generalize these concepts and then study some properties of them and their relationships.}