Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled Understanding, Predicting and Controlling the Status of Organizations that Provide Open Government Data.



title = {Understanding, Predicting and Controlling the Status of Organizations that Provide Open Government Data},

journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},

volume = {2022},

issue = {2},

issn = { 2783-5456 },

year = {2022},

url = { 2/2-4-UnderstandingPredictingandControllingtheStatusofOrganizationsthatProvideOpenGovernmentData.pdf},

author = {Mohammad Moradi and Mojtaba Mazoochi},

keywords = {Open government data, Data mining, Classification.},

abstract = {Open data is non-confidential data that is made available without any restrictions on use or distribution. Open government data (OGD) is a tool to empower citizens and give them access and permission to use data produced by the government organizations, so that they can use, store, redistribute and integrate the data with other data sources. Providing information in the form of open data leads to reducing corruption, gaining public trust and creating a democratic society. Also, open data provide more possibilities for monitoring governance activities. The aim of this research is to understand, predict and control the complex system of communication between citizens and organizations providing open government data in order to benefit from the advantages of open data. For this purpose, in the understanding phase, a series of comprehensive and complete evaluation criteria of organizations based on library studies have been presented. Also, the data extraction of the organizations present in the open government data portal has been done. Then, data mining techniques including the decision tree classification model has been used to predict and control the status of organizations. The accuracy of the created classification model was 90.91, which showed that the created model was desirable. By using the presented classification model, managers will be able to predict the status of organizations. Also, they can apply the necessary changes on the organizations in order to change the status of the organization to the desired status.}
