Copy the following BibTeX for the article entitled A Secure Cryptosystem in Group Signature Scheme Based Over Group Ring.



title = {A Secure Cryptosystem in Group Signature Scheme Based Over Group Ring},

journal = {Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science},

volume = {2022},

issue = {1},

issn = { 2783-5456 },

year = {2022},

url = { 1/1-9-ASecureCryptosysteminGroupSignatureSchemeBasedOverGroupRing.pdf},

author = {Nur Afiqah Suzelan Amir and Wan Ainun Mior Othman and Wong Kok Bin},

keywords = {group ring, generic linear group, authentication, group signature.},

abstract = {Due to its significant application in information security, cryptography is a mathematical field that is rapidly growing. To safeguard any transactions over an insecure medium, a secure protocol is essential. Secure file transfer protocols must protect the information via group signature in order to maintain data confidentiality and privacy during transmission. Under the group signature scheme, a member of the group signs a message on behalf of the group. Signatures can be checked with regard to a specific public key group, but does not disclose the identity of the signatory. However, it is challenging to preserve the privacy between two parties and maintain the reliability of the message broadcast. In our study, we construct an efficient group signature where the underlying work is based on generic linear group over group rings. The security evaluations show that our protocol improves performance efficiency.}
