Original Research Article

Article volume = 2021 and issue = 2

Pages: 172–178

Article publication Date: November, 1, 2021

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Physics Formalism Helmholtz Matrix to Coulomb Gage

Rajan Iyer

Environmental Materials Theoretical Physicist, Department of Physical Mathematics Sciences Engineering Project Technologies, Engineeringinc International Operational Teknet Earth Global, Tempe, Arizona, United States of America


Iyer Markoulakis Helmholtz Hamiltonian metrics have been gauged to Coulombic Hilbert metrics, representing Gilbertian and Amperian natures of electromagnetic fields from mechanics of vortex rotational fields acting with gradient fields, typically in zero-point microblackhole general fields, extending to vacuum electromagnetic gravitational fields gauge. This ansatz general gaging helps to properly isolate field effects with physical analyses – mechanical, electric, magnetic components within the analytical processes. Vacuum gravitational fields and the flavor Higgs-Boson matter inertial gravitational fields have been thus quantified extending to stringmetrics constructs matrix showing charge asymmetry gauge metrics. Physical Analysis with applications to particle physics, Quantum ASTROPHYSICS, as well as grand unification physics have been advanced. Particle physics gauge matrix pointing to Dirac seas of electrons, monopoles with positrons, electron-positron annihilation leading to energy production, and the relativistic energy generating matter provided literature correlations. Quantum astrophysics extending gauge metrix analyzes of superluminal profile of signals velocity generating electron-positron chain like “curdling” action validates formalism with physics literature of electron-photon observed oscillatory fields configurations. Mechanism of creation of neutrino antineutrino pair orthogonal to electron positron “curdling” planes, that may lead to formation of protonic hydrogen of stars or orthogonally muon particles. These proposals will help to explain receding or fast expanding universe with the dark matter in terms of flavor metrics versus gauge associating metrics fields. Vacuum and gravitational monopoles, that are representation of compressed mass out of vortex Helmholtz decomposition fields have been interpolated to energy generation via electron positron monopole particles at cosmos extent of infinity.


Quantum, Electrons-positrons monopoles, Matrix Algebra, Amperian Gilbertian fields, Switches, Modeling.

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Cite this article as:
  • Rajan Iyer, Physics Formalism Helmholtz Matrix to Coulomb Gage, Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science, 2021(2), PP.172–178, 2021
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