Original Research Article
Article volume = 2023 and issue = 1
Pages: 29–38
Article publication Date: November 21, 2022
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Dengue Disease Prediction with Seasonality of Environmental Factors
Piyumi Chathurangik, Kushani De Silva, and S.S.N. Perera
Research & Development Center for Mathematical Modeling, Department of Mathematics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Dengue is a public health problem to many of the tropical countries. The dengue threat in Sri Lanka has a significant social and economic impact on the country and hence predicting dengue cases in the immediate future is of utmost importance. It is believed that the dengue mosquito breeding is highly affected by environmental factors. In this study, dengue cases are predicted based on environmental factors and the study is narrowed down to Colombo municipal council area, at which the most dengue cases are reported island-wide.
Wavelet Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Principal Component Regression Analysis, per capita vector density.
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- Piyumi Chathurangik, Kushani De Silva, and S.S.N. Perera, Dengue Disease Prediction with Seasonality of Environmental Factors, Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science, 2023(1), PP.29–38, 2022
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