Original Research Article

Article volume = 2022 and issue = 2

Pages: 154–166

Article publication Date: November 21, 2022

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Investigating neighborhood Gourava indices using Neighborhood M-Polynomial in some drug structures

Jaber Ramezani Tousi(a), Masoud Ghods(a) and Fateme Movahedi(b)

(a) Department of applied Mathematics, Semnan University, Semnan 35131-19111, Iran.

(b) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.


Studying the structure of molecular graphs of drugs, especially drugs effective in treating Covid-19, is practical and essential. Gourava indices have critical applications in chemistry; they have a high correlation with entropy and acentric factor. In this article, first, neighborhood Gourava indices are introduced. Then the mathematical relationship between NM-polynomial and neighborhood Gourava indices are obtained. Using NM-polynomial, neighborhood Gourava indices are computed for the molecular graphs of Dexamethasone, Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, and Remedsivir.


Neighborhood Gourava indices, Neighborhood Hyper Gourava indices, Molecular graph, NM-Polynomials, Antiviral drugs.

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Cite this article as:
  • Jaber Ramezani Tousi, Masoud Ghods and Fateme Movahedi, Investigating neighborhood Gourava indices using Neighborhood M-Polynomial in some drug structures, Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science, 2022(2), PP.154–166, 2022
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