Original Research Article
Article volume = 2021 and issue = 2
Pages: 113–119
Article publication Date: November, 1, 2021
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On The Edge Double Roman Domination Number of Graphs
Mina Valinavaz
Department of Mathematics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University Tabriz, I.R. Iran.
An edge double Roman dominating function (EDRDF) on a graph G is a function f : E(G) ! f0, 1, 2, 3g satisfying the condition that such that every edge e with f(e) = 0, is adjacent to at least two edge e, e0 for which f(e) = f(e0) = 2 or one edge e00 with f(e00) = 3, and if f(e) = 1, then edge e must have at least one neighbor e0 with f(e0) > 2. The Edge double Roman dominating number of G, denoted by 0 dR(G), is the minimum weight w(f) = P e2E(G) f(e) of an edge double Roman dominating function f of G. In this paper, we introduction some results on the edge double Roman domination number of a graph. Also, we provide some upper and lower bounds for the edge double Roman domination number of graphs.
Double Roman dominating function, Double Roman domination number, Edge double Roman dominating function, Edge double Roman domination number.
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Cite this article as:
- Mina Valinavaz, On The Edge Double Roman Domination Number of Graphs, Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science, 2021(2), PP.113–119, 2021
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